Visually, they fascinate me.
Nordic Music Central, Video Of The Week – Almost DEAD MEN (Sweden) – Angry Man, January 8, 2023

I love when this song stops every now and then and Andersson growls ”Shut The Fuck Up”. That’s fucking rock n roll.
Zero Magazine, August 18, 2022

If anything is going to tempt me back to a live show venue while Britain basks in a world record Covid infection rate it wouldn’t be Ed Sheeran and Elton fricking John. It would be this.”
Nordic Music Central, Video Of The Week – Almost DEAD MEN (Sweden) – Cruising, January 2, 2022

As a debut album, this is a gem in its genre, and the brilliant future looks very bright.
Zero Magazine, December 6, 2020

Outstanding is Rider with its hypnotic baseline, cool chorus and almost six minutes of playing time.
Ox-Fanzine nr 151 review A Brilliant Future Wasted Growing Up, August 6, 2020

Skilled rock musicians from Uppsala album debuts with raw riffs and laconic singing, where a somewhat swaying tone hit is saved by a rock-cool attitude. Think Lou Reed supported by Dr. Feelgood.
Rock-n-Roll Magazine #6, 2020

Almost DEAD MEN has riffs that smell wonderful of rock’n’roll, but they are not a band you just throw into a certain genre.
eFOLKET, May 30, 2020

It’s like punk and classic pub rock come to life again, with full power and a cocky, adrenaline-fueled attitude as from some sweaty rock club in the mid-1970s.
Uppsala Nya Tidning, June 24, 2019